Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Nome: Henrique Tripoloni Alves de Souza
Instituição: UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Programa: Curso Animação - Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
Orientadora: Mônica Stein
Ano: 2021
País: Brasil
Este trabalho tratou da produção de cenários para um jogo de terror, e foram exploradas todas as etapas de produção de um jogo, com o foco no desenvolvimento de cenários onde a narrativa, os personagens e as mecânicas de gameplay foram executadas com o objetivo de demonstrar de forma prática o funcionamento dos cenários que foram desenvolvidos com base nos mais diferentes tipos de referências de jogos de terror, filmes e outros tipos de expressões artísticas. Para o desenvolvimento desses cenários, o autor deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) - em parceria com mais um designer - desenvolveram uma narrativa que permitisse que uma parte do jogo pudesse ser executada em tempo hábil dentro do cronograma do projeto, levando em consideração o baixo conhecimento destes sobre engines e artes otimizadas para games.
Palavras-chave: Games, Jogos de Terror, Cenários, TCC.
This work dealt with the production of scenarios for a horror game, and all stages of production of a game were explored, focusing on the development of scenarios where the narrative, characters and gameplay mechanics were executed with the aim of demonstrating in a way the functioning of the scenarios that were developed based on the most different types of references of horror games, movies and other types of artistic expressions. For the development of these scenarios, the author of this undergraduate thesis (UT)- in partnership with another designer - developed a narrative that would allow a part of the game to be executed in a timely manner within the project schedule, taking into account their low knowledge of engines and gear optimized for games.
This work dealt with the production of scenarios for a horror game, and all stages of production of a game were explored, focusing on the development of scenarios where the narrative, characters and gameplay mechanics were executed with the aim of demonstrating in a way the functioning of the scenarios that were developed based on the most different types of references of horror games, movies and other types of artistic expressions. For the development of these scenarios, the author of this undergraduate thesis (UT)- in partnership with another designer - developed a narrative that would allow a part of the game to be executed in a timely manner within the project schedule, taking into account their low knowledge of engines and gear optimized for games.
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