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Caro Amante E Estudioso da Arte Animada

Estamos no nosso 3o. ano de constante alimentação do nosso animado index, AdA, onde tivemos o apoio da Professora Dra. Índia Martins (UFF),...

No Território da Criação Artística: A jornada de Tempestade, de Cesar Cabral

Dissertação de Mestrado

Nome: Daniela Ramos de Lima
Instituição: UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Centro de Educação e Ciência Humanas
Programa: Pós-Graduação em Imagem e Som
Orientadora: Josette Maria Alves de Souza Monzani
Ano: 2014
País: Brasil

This research analyses the artistic creation process of a short animation film called the Tempest. Created in 2010, by Brasilian director Cesar Cabral at the Coala Film Studios (Santo André, São Paulo). The audiovisual production was shown at the 14th. Festival of English Culture. The narrative tells the fable of a lonely and passionate sailor confronting a storm. The creative procedural critique is basis of the methodology used in this research. It follows, step by step the creation and consequently the different manuscripts and ideas of a creative body whose understanding of the key elements produced different results. Through study of sketches, art direction layouts, still photographs, interviews with creators and annotations in different languages. Also included are tests and trials of the software used for editing. Without prior assumptions, the object of this work is to indicate and discuss the intersemiotic translations which constitute the Tempest and the contributions and dialogues established between the creators of the animation. The results were planned in graphical form to show the significant and possible meanings of the work under study.

Palavras-chave: Cinema de Animação, Tempestade,  Tradução Intersemiótica, Critíca de Processo Criativo, César Cabral, Dissertação.

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